
May 15–17, 2017 in Prague, Czech Republic
[Proceedings] [Sessions] [Authors] [Schedule] [Further material]

Session 11B: Power Plants & Energy Systems

Title: Component Development for Nuclear Hybrid Energy Systems
Authors: Scott Greenwood
Abstract:A Nuclear Hybrid Energy System (NHES) uses a nuclear reactor as the basic power generation unit. The power generated is then used by multiple customers as either thermal power, electrical power, or both. The definition and architecture of an NHES can be adapted based on the needs and opportunities of a given local market. For example, locations in need of potable water may be best served by coupling a desalination plant to the NHES. Similarly, a location near an oil refinery may have a need for emission-free hydrogen production. Using the flexible, multi-domain capabilities of Modelica, Argonne National Laboratory, Idaho National Laboratory (INL), and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) are investigating the dynamics (e.g., thermal hydraulics and electrical generation/consumption) and cost of such a hybrid system. This paper examines ongoing NHES work including the modeling organizational layout, highlighting a few subsystems, describing some of the component development and providing results from a study of multi-dimensional conduction model development.
Links: Full paper

Title: Modeling and simulation of fixed bed regenerators for a multi-tower decoupled advanced solar combined cycle
Authors: Iván Mesonero, Jesús Febres and Susana López Pérez
Abstract:Two dynamic models of fixed bed regenerators for metallic and ceramic configurations have been developed in Modelica. These models have been both worked out within CAPTURE European project and will serve as design tool for a fixed bed regenerative heat exchange system. The present article describes in detail both models and presents a case study that compares experimental and simulation results for the testing of a ceramic honeycomb regenerative matrix.
Links: Full paper

Title: Annual Performance of a Solar-Thermochemical Hydrogen Production Plant Based on CeO2 Redox Cycle
Authors: Alberto de La Calle and Alicia Bayon
Abstract:For the first time, a dynamic model of a 1 MWth thermochemical hydrogen production plant is developed and implemented for CeO2 redox cycle. The work explores the annual performance of a plant by studying the effect of the variables of the process by means of Direct Normal Irradiation (DNI), temperature, pressure and degree of oxidation affects the annual production of hydrogen. The model reproduces the behaviour of a thermochemical receiver-reactor exposed to solar radiation accounting of the thermal inertia of CeO2 which is significantly high to accomplish the oxidation without extracting the heat of reaction. The operation is optimized to obtain the maximum amount of hydrogen in a year by only modifying the mass flow rates at the inlet of the reactors. This characteristic demonstrates the flexibility and adaptability of the model that could be further improved to obtain a constant production of hydrogen.
Links: Full paper

Title: Applying the Power Plant Library ClaRa for Control Optimisation
Authors: Friedrich Gottelt, Timm Hoppe and Lasse Nielsen
Abstract:This paper presents the current state of the open-source Modelica library \ClaRa which enables the user to solve complex power plant simulation tasks. The library can be used to help control experts to develop and test controllers without disturbing the daily operation of the applying power plant. This reduces projects risks and costs significantly. As a use case the analysis and optimisation of a Benson boiler power control is presented. The presented solution reduces the impact of soot blowing on the power output by 57~\%.
Links: Full paper